Professional Skills

I usually used in Web base application and Game development in Unity Engine.

WPF (MVVM Pattern)
Applied this technology in both Windows/Web base application.

Usually use in Unreal Engine, and Application development in both platform of Mobile/Windows OS using IDE Java SE + Eclipse.

Use in Web Development through MS Visual Studio .NET CORE MVC ( .NET 5 ) , Razor runtime compilation.

MERN Stack
Use in Web base application development integrate with MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js.

WEB Full-Stack
Web application development using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, JAVASCRIPT, JQuery, MySQL, AJAX.

Usually I use this technology in application development in Mobile/Windows OS, deploying into Google Cloud Kubernetes.

I use this technology in Migration of legacy systems application we have in Cargill, I convert them through ABAP.

VB.NET , VB6, Embedded Visual Basic.
These technology I use them in both platform Mobile and Windows Application Development.
Extensive Experience

Unity Engine
game development for creating both 3D and 2D games

Unreal Engine
game development for creating both 3D and 2D games


MySQL Apache, IBM DB2, Oracle SQL and MS SQL

AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
Usually I use these Technology for Hosting Website Application.

Atom, eclipse, VS code, Node++, Brackets, LINQPad
Script Editor I used.

Project Management
Whenever I manage a Project I usually applied the triple constraints in Project management (Time, Scope and Cost).

Agile (scrum), Traditional or Interactive Waterfall
ADLM (Application Development Lifecycle Management) is a framework I use for development, build and testing of application software.

Linux for Cloud(AWS) and DevOps.
Linux administrator(AWS EC2), DevOps (Plan, Code, Build, Test, Release, Deploy, Operate, Monitor).